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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

St. Charles Borromeo


Thursday of 31st week in Ordinary time, 2021

Rom 14:7-12

Ps 27

Luke 15:1-10

St. Charles Borromeo


At the beginning of today’s gospel reading Jesus is criticized by the experts in the Jewish Law for sharing table with sinners, those who were adjudged not to keep the Jewish Law, the Law of God. In reply to that criticism, Jesus speaks the two parables we have just heard, one which features a man and the other a woman. The actions of the two characters in the two stories seem a bit extravagant. Why would a shepherd abandon ninety-nine sheep, leaving them at risk, to go in search of one sheep that has strayed? Having found that sheep and carried him home on his shoulders, it seems a little over the top to invite friends and neighbors to join in a celebratory meal? The same questions could be asked of the woman. Why spend the day searching for a lost coin, and then entertain friends and neighbors to celebrate with her when she found it? The cost of entertaining was probably more than the value of the coin. If the actions of these characters seem a bit extravagant, it is because, in telling these stories, Jesus is talking about the ways of God, which are extravagant by human standards.


Jesus is saying that God’s love for us is so strong, God’s desire to be in communion with us is so great, that God seeks us out with great energy whenever we stray from him and end up lost. Then when we allow ourselves to be found by God, God’s joy knows no bounds. This is the God whom Jesus revealed in his style of eating, his way of life, and that he continues to reveal to us today.


Let us pray: Father, keep in your people the spirit which filled Charles Borromeo. Let your church be continually renewed and show the image of Christ to the world by being conformed to his likeness. Amen.

+Remain blessed


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