Cursillo – Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning "short course." The Diocese of Covington offers these "short courses” in Christianity. These courses are spiritual retreats with talks and activities designed to draw participants deeper into an intimate and long-lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. Contact: Blaine Comfort (859-578-0133).
Formed – Blessed Sacrament Parish provides our parishioners with access to some of the finest online Catholic videos, audio presentations, and e-books for adults and teens. Family movies and children’s films are also available. Register at, and follow the prompts to locate our account.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - This is the Church’s outreach to adults seeking answers about the Catholic faith, those wishing to become Catholic, or Catholics who want a refresher on Church teaching. (Children over the age of 7 who have not been baptized and/or have not received formal religious instruction are also assisted through the RCIA Office. More information is listed under Children’s Formation, Parish School of Religion). Fully initiated Catholics may volunteer to sponsor a prospective new Catholic, join the team of those facilitating the process for initiating new members, or simply attend sessions to grow in faith and understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church. This group meets Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. Contact: Nora Hageman.
That Man is You! – This is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of Christian men in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and the greater society. The program is divided into two 13-week sessions. The First session emphasizes the development of the Scriptural vision of man, especially in his relationship to his family and society, while the Second session emphasizes the practical means of becoming that man. Independent research from the Gallup Polls reveals “That Man is You!” to be one of the most life-transforming programs. There are Monday evening sessions at 8 p.m. and Thursday morning sessions at 6 a.m. For more details, contact Bill Dehlinger (
Walking With Purpose – This is a faith formation process for women consisting of weekly gatherings (mornings or evenings) for prayer, study, and small group discussion. (Each series stands on its own and runs for a different number of weeks). The challenges of modern women are timeless and so is God’s wisdom revealed in the scriptures and Church teaching. Walking With Purpose helps women develop a deep, close relationship with Jesus Christ through study, discussion, and fellowship with other women. (All contact info is in the parish guidebook).