2409 Dixie Highway, Ft. Mitchell, KY, 41017

Sacramental Prep

Infant Baptism

Please call the Parish Office (859-331-4302) to schedule a Baptism.  Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sundays following the 11:00 a.m. Mass.  Parents must be registered in the parish and are required to attend Baptism preparation classes which are held on the first Tuesday of every month in the Blees Center at 7:00 p.m.  It is advisable to attend these classes prior to the birth of the child.

What the Catechism says about the Sacrament of Baptism  

Holy Matrimony

To be married at Blessed Sacrament Church, at least one party must be a registered parishioner. Couples are required to meet with a parish priest or deacon to discuss marriage preparation. Please call the parish office at least six months in advance to reserve the church. Music Director, Chance Jozsa, is available to help plan your ceremony’s music and should be contacted separately to make arrangements.

Contact the Parish Office

Contact Music Ministry
859-331-4302 Ext. 112

What the Catechism says about the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Children's Sacramental Preparation

Catechesis in preparation for Children's Sacramental Celebrations is generally done through the parish school or Parish School of Religion. Homeschoolers are asked to contact the Office of Faith Formation to make arrangements for inclusion in these celebrations.  Children are required to have one full year of religious instruction prior to the year in which they expect to celebrate sacraments.  For more information, contact Rachel Peach at rpeach@bscky.org.

First Eucharist & Reconciliation

What the Catechism says about the Sacrament of Reconciliation

What the Catechism says about the Sacrament of Eucharis

Calendar of Events for Eucharist and Reconciliation 2024-2025


What the Catechism says about the Sacrament of Confirmation

Updated Calendar 2024-2025 Confirmation

Sacramental Celebrations

For details of Sacramental celebration at Blessed Sacrament, click HERE.

Baptism, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion for Adults

If you are a Catholic adult seeking to celebrate sacraments you missed as a child or a non-Catholic interested in learning about the faith or joining the Church, click HERE.