Office of Music Ministry
Music Director: Chance Jozsa
Blessed Sacrament Parish has a very vibrant music ministry. We welcome all to participate in our musical ensembles, whether you play and instrument, sing or like to help with clerical work, any help is appreciated. By being good stewards of the gifts God has given us, we strive to make Blessed Sacrament a welcoming and prayerful home to all who enter our doors. Listed below are our musical ensembles and other opportunities. The Office of Music Ministry is located in the Blees Center.
Choirs and Ensembles:
Blessed Sacrament Chorale: Members are men and women high school age and older. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 7:00PM in Church. We sing the 11AM Mass on Sundays as well as feast days and Holy days of obligation.
VIDEO: Karen Kuhlman, member of the Chorale, shares her experience.
Children’s Choirs: See the Children's Choirs page for more information and permission forms.
String Ensemble: Membership is open to anyone with experience playing a bowed string instrument. Rehearsals are on an as needed basis. Ability to read and follow music is required. The Strings play usually on the third Sunday of the month at the 9:00AM Mass. Contact Barb Salzman:
Handbell Choir: Membership is open to member of the parish in 8th grade or older. Ability to read and follow music is required. Rehearsals are usually on selected Sundays at 2:00PM. The Handbells play on an as needed basis.
Bereavment Choir: Membership is open to anyone who is available during the time of a funeral. This choir does not have a regular rehearsal time. We sing when a family requests the choir for a funeral.
Instrumentalists: Members are those who play a woodwind, brass, or string instrument. Rehearsals are based upon your availability. You make your own schedule. Ability to read and follow music is required.