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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

Speak, for your servant hears


Wednesday in the First week in Ordinary time, 2022

1Sam 3:1-10, 19-20

Ps 40

Mark 1:29-39

Speak, for your servant hears


Dear friends in Christ, how easy is it to hear the voice of God in today’s world? There is no doubt that there is a great search for God today in our society. Unfortunately, the more the search, the less the discovery or even the chances of seeing God or hearing him.


Today’s first reading is on the call of the young boy Samuel. The call was loud and clear, yet the little boy could not really discern where it was coming from. He taught the elderly man Eli, was the one calling, and three times he disturbed and interrupted the old man from his sleep. At the third interruption however, Eli knew it was not just a dream or a joke, someone must be calling— It must be the Lord. He therefore told the young man to reply, “Speak Lord, for your servant hears.” The Lord did call again and Samuel responded to his call and mission. If the Lord were to call today, what will it sound like? To where or whom will you run? Your phone, television, radio…? Will the noise allow people to hear the call? Some plug the ears and blast the music so loud that they can hardly hear the hooting of a car? Some get so glued to their TVs, are so captivated by certain programmes they watch, that they have no time to attend to their family’s needs. Think of those who have no time to read a passage of the Bible but spend hours watching and following a story on television. What are the distractions of your life, that makes it difficult to listen and discern what God is saying?


The Gospel of today (Mark 1:29-39) presents a busy schedule of Jesus who was accompanied by his new disciples—Simon, Andrew, James and John. Going to the Synagogue to pray, was an important way to begin the passage, the miracle of healing Simon’s mother-in-law, was a great assurance to Simon and his colleagues, that the Lord does care about them. But that evening, the mission went beyond the household of Simon as many sick and possessed ones were brought to Jesus and he cured them. The Lord again began a new day with prayer. Always in the presence of the Father even though He is God. He will not be persuaded to remain in one place because the people want more of the miracles, the focus of his mission is to go everywhere to proclaim the good news.  Even the good works could become a distraction, one could be tempted to play it out, and lose focus of what the mission is all about. One may become a philanthropist and forget the God of the work. Its even possible to go on and call oneself a humanist - one who does good for goodness’ sake. Jesus however teaches us a lesson, all our good deeds are inspired by God and to God be the glory.


Let us pray: O God our help in ages past and our hope for years to come, fill us with your blessings and help us to remain focused in the midst of the distractions that surround us. Amen. 

+Remain blessed


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