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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

Not greater…


Thursday of the 4th Week of Easter, 2022

Acts 13:13-25

Ps 89

John 13:16-20

Not greater…


Dear friends in Christ, it is something good for a servant to strive to be like his master; for an apprentice to work hard to rise to great heights; for a learner to become perfect on the job. That however does not make him greater than his master. Paul may plant, Apollos may water, it takes the grace of God for the seed to germinate and bear fruit. None of them can claim the glory, they must wait on the master to apportion the praise that is due to each. This applies to us all in the service of the Lord and the community.


Our Gospel passage of today (John 13:16-20) was an episode at the Last Supper. Jesus teaches a big lesson here. In washing the feet of the disciples, he wants them to realize that in their turn, they must be willing to accept such service, no matter how embarrassing it may seem. Not a service to the master in this sense, but a service to others. This service to others is what translates as service to the master. The master is seen even in the lowliest of the community. This is where humility comes in for the disciple. Never to see anything as demeaning in the service of the master. This humility is also about truthfulness to oneself and one’s call. A disciple of Jesus is not the master and not the Lord, he is himself first, a servant. I have heard the elders say, ‘Even if the beard of the laborers is as long as the broom, the one who hired him is the master.” This applies clearly in the followership of Jesus.


We who have been loved first by God must learn to love; we who have been forgiven by God must learn to forgive; we who have been served by Jesus must learn to serve.


Our first reading (Acts 13:13-25) presents Paul and Barnabas going forth on a missionary journey in the service of the Lord and the Gospel. John Mark a cousin of Barnabas who had come with them from Jerusalem became homesick and decided to return to Jerusalem, this, however, did not go down well with Paul, a situation that will eventually cause disagreement and separation during the second missionary journey. Paul from now assumed the leadership of the mission, Barnabas accepted this with humility and that is clear from the fact that it was Paul who addressed the gathering in the synagogue, showing his knowledge of the history of Israel and appealing to his listeners to accept the good news.


Dear friends, we are called today as the disciples of Jesus to also put on the garb of humility, as servants of the gospel. Like Jesus said in today’s Gospel, “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” Our happiness is in living out the truth of the gospel. 


Let us pray: We give you thanks Lord, for the many blessings you have bestowed, grant us also true humility in your service. Amen. 

+Remain blessed


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