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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

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Wednesday of the First Week in Lent, 2023 

Jon 3:1-10

Ps 51

Luke 11:29-32

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In this morning’s gospel reading (Lk 11:29-32), Jesus declares of himself that he is greater than Solomon and greater than Jonah. We could add to that list – greater than Abraham, greater than Moses, greater than Isaiah or Jeremiah. Jesus is greater than all the leading figures of the Jewish Scriptures because he has a closer relationship with God than all who went before him. 


We express this close relationship Jesus has with God by saying that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus’ relationship with God is unique to himself. Yet, he came into the world to draw us all into his own very close relationship with God. He pours his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, into our hearts, so that we, like him, can call God ‘Abba, Father. Through the Holy Spirit, we become brothers and sisters of Jesus; we come to share in his intimate relationship with God. 


Our calling is to live out of that relationship, to live as brothers and sisters of Jesus, as sons and daughters of God. We pray that this season of Lent would help us to live that calling more fully.


Let us pray: Lord Jesus, change my heart and fill me with your wisdom that I may love your ways. Amen 

+Remain blessed


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