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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

No bread, no Haversack…


Thursday in the fourth week in Ordinary time, 2022

1Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12

(Ps) 1Chr 29

Mark 6:7-13

No bread, no Haversack…


Dear friends in Christ, the life and mission of an apostle of Christ, is expected to be very simple. It is basically one of the signs of that contradiction, that the life of an apostle should be. It obviously makes the life of the apostle uncertain, as he needed to rely on what others can provide, to make a living himself, but this is also a sign of the trust in divine providence, that must characterise the life of an apostle.


The Gospel of today (Mark 6:7-13) tells us of the charge, Jesus gave to the Twelve, while he sent them out on their first missionary assignment. “He charged them to take nothing for the journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics…” How can anyone survive without these things? To go on a journey without all of the things mentioned above would have exposed the apostles to a lot of hardship, on their way. But trusting in the Lord’s ability, to make provision where there is nothing (—as he provided food for the hungry crowds from a few loaves— He sent the apostles to just tell someone to prepare a place for himself and the apostles for the last supper— He sent them out to get a donkey he will ride to Jerusalem without money, just by telling them, that the master is in need of it.) He proves himself always as the great provider in the time of need.


As human beings, we are always concerned and often worried about how we can survive without, these good things of life. We worry and fret like Martha over food, clothing, means of transport, housing, children and even something for the rainy day, not just for today. In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus taught his disciples to pray for each day, “Give us this day our daily bread.” He says to them, do not worry about tomorrow, your heavenly Father who provides for the birds of the air, for the animals in the field and clothes the plants in the forest, knows your needs and will provide. 


Because of this worry, a lot of people have become greedy. They live as if the resources of the earth, are not enough to support life, beyond a few days, and so they need to acquire as much as they can and at all costs. That greed leads to corruption of all sorts. In that greed, people kill, frustrate others and cheat even themselves, to make more and more and a little more, then one day, like David in the reading of today, (1 Kings 2:1-4.10-12) they come face to face with death. Some do not even have the grace to handover to their successors, like David did, and to their amazement, if they can see from the land of the dead, all they have struggled to acquire unjustly get wasted by those who did not struggle to acquire them. Travel light as you go through the journey of life.


Let us pray: Lord God, the journey seems so long yet too short. Help us to truly appreciate earthly things, and to use them rightly for your glory and the good of all around us. Amen. 

+Remain blessed



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