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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

More than these…


Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter, 2022

Acts 25:13b-21


John 21:15-19

St Charles Lwanga and Companions 

More than these…


Dear friends in Christ, there are times in life when, not because you doubt a person’s faithfulness or loyalty, but for emphasis you want it to come directly from the person, that there is nothing to worry about. Lovers sometimes question their partner’s love. Employers of labor want some assurance from their workers, that they are loyal to the establishment. Jesus demands the same of his followers—that they commit themselves to love him more than any other thing, no matter how precious it might look to them. On this day also the Universal Church celebrates the Memorial of St Charles Lwanga and his 21 Companions who were executed by King Mwanga of Uganda, for being Christians. Their offense was that they rebuked the king for his debauchery, for murdering an Anglican missionary; and also for refusing to be sodomized.


The prophecy of Jesus in today’s gospel (John 21:15-19) concerning Peter is a good point for reflection. After the resurrection of Jesus, the disciples were most likely bored of staying every day in the room behind locked doors. Peter was the one who said he wanted to go fishing and some others jumped at the suggestion to go with him. They tried all night and caught nothing. On their return, Jesus told them to try one more time, and a miraculous catch took place. By the time they came ashore, Jesus had already some fish on the fire and after breakfast, the exchange of today took place with Peter. Jesus began by asking him three times, “Simon…do you love me more than these?” When Peter gave his answer in the affirmative, Jesus told him, “Feed my sheep.” Peter’s confession of his love for Jesus more than any other thing applies to us too. Is there anything that stands in the way of your love for Jesus? Do not be afraid to love him more than your family, job, business, future… Jesus takes nothing away from you except for your inability to trust God fully as the source of all you have. The most difficult part of the discussion is about Peter’s future. Jesus told him, “When you were young, you fastened you're and walked where you would; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will fasten your belt for you and carry you where you do not wish to go.”


This is one of the scary things for many people, about growing old. Some so many people fight all sorts of anti-aging products. Several people hate to be regarded as ‘old,’ and so people turn to science to make them younger—they take pills, some take to cosmetic surgery and sometimes such people end up looking worse than they would have if they had allowed nature to take its course. Some people should be elders in the community who still behave like boys and girls in their old age— they want to dress like their grandchildren and compete with them on all fronts, yet nature must take its course. While you are young, use the opportunities you have very well and you will have nothing to regret. There is time for everything under the heavens. There is a saying, ‘No wise man ever wished he were younger.” Live your age and live life to the full.


Let us pray: Lord, teach us to number our days aright. Help us to appreciate the blessings of old age. Amen

+Remain blessed


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