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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

I will espouse you forever


Monday of 14th Week in Ordinary time, 2022

Hos 2:16-18.21-22

Ps 145

Matt 9:18-26

I will espouse you forever


Dear friends in Christ, God’s relationship with his people is such that nothing can break them apart. When God has promised, he goes all the way to fulfill it. All through last week, we read from the book of the Prophet Amos, a prophet of Social justice. For the next few days, we shall be reading from the book of another prophet Hosea, a prophet who described the relationship of God and his people in a language of marriage.


Our first reading is from Hosea 2:16-18.21-22. Hosea lived at about the same time as Prophet Amos (745-725 BC). He married a woman called Gomer who had three children with him. Gomer was a prostitute and after three children returned to prostitution. Some people then began to ask the prophet to divorce Gomer on the grounds of prostitution, advice he rejected on the basis that his wife represents the relationship of Israel to God. God has been faithful to Israel, but Israel has continued to break her covenant with God by going after other gods. Today’s reading is therefore a response to those who were calling on the prophet to divorce Gomer. “Behold I, would allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her. And there she shall answer as in the days of her youth…” As the marriage contract establishes a bond between husband and wife, so does the covenant establishes a bond between Israel and God. The worship of alien gods is therefore a breach of the covenant and it is sin. The names given by the prophet Hosea to the children reflect their marriage relationship and ultimately Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. The first child is called: Jezreel which stands for ‘sinfulness’; the second is called: Lo-Ruhama, meaning ‘no love’; the third: Lo-Ammi: which means, ‘not people.’ This passage shows how faithful God is to us, and calls us to reflect on our unfaithfulness. It is also a call to take advantage of God’s patience and mercy to turn away from the way of sin and evil.


Our Gospel today (Matthew 9:18-26) records two of the miracles of Jesus. Jesus was on his way to raise the 12-year-old daughter of a ruler who came to him for help because the girl had just died. On his way, however, a woman who had suffered hemorrhage for 12 years courageously thought, “If I only touch his garment, I shall be made well.” She did, and when Jesus turned and saw her, he said, “Courage my daughter, your faith has made you well.” When he got to the ruler's house after turning out those who were mourning, he took the girl by the hand and she arose. The faith shown by the ruler and the woman was lacking in the people of Hosea’s time. Nothing is impossible for those who have faith. Ask the Lord to renew your faith.


Let us pray: Lord you have promised that even if faith is as small as a mustard seed it can work wonders. Give me the gift of faith, help my little faith and grant my prayers. Amen. 

+Remain blessed


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