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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

God looks at the heart


Tuesday in the second week in Ordinary time, 2022

1Sam 16:1-13

Ps 89

Mark 2:23-28

God looks at the heart


Dear friends in Christ, as humans we are very limited in the way we judge. We can only pass judgement based on what is available to us. A referee on the football pitch does not speculate about the intention of the player, he rules based on what he observes. A judge in the courtroom delivers judgment based on the evidence presented before him too. In our day to day life, we see the same happening in almost every field but not so with God. He sees beyond appearance.


The first reading today from the First Book of Samuel 16:1-13 tells us of how God commanded Samuel to go to the house of Jesse, to anoint a new king, after his rejection of Saul for his disobedience. After the initial reluctance, on fear for his life, Samuel got up to go and when he came to Jesse, even the sight of the first son and his appearance was more than enough to convince him that he will be the king. God however told Samuel, he was not the choice, same with the other six until the last child, David, who was in the farm looking after the animals, had come and he was anointed king to replace Saul. It was in this setting God told Samuel, “…For the Lord sees not as man sees, man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”


The heart as used here is the seat of human action. It is there the decisions are taken about the actions that will follow. The choice of David turned out to be the greatest blessing for Israel, he will go on to become the best of the kings and the one from whose descendants the Messiah will emerge. God will preserve his throne. What kind of heart do you have? A heart that fears and gives due honour to God or a heart that is full of pride even before its creator?


The Gospel of today is taken from Mark 2:23-28. In it the disciples of Jesus were accused of not following the law of the Sabbath because they were harvesting and eating corns on the Sabbath out of hunger. Those who accused them were more interested in the external observance of the law, than being concerned about the condition of the hungry men. The response of Jesus was that, “The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.” The fulfilment of the law does not depend solely on its external observance but what lies in the heart. That obviously will not go down well with the Pharisees and the scribes but the truth is that God looks at the heart. Christianity you must know, should not end with the external show of religiosity. God is going to judge what lies in the heart and not just the number of times you go to church. Christianity demands that you do the right thing even when there is no one watching you.


Let us pray: Lord guide us by the demands of justice and peace. Move us to show forth our faith in genuine action. Amen. 

+Remain blessed


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