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Browsing The Word Became Flesh - Fr. Aidoo's Blog

Come to me


Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent 

Isa 40:25-31

Ps 103

Matt 11:28-30

Memorial of St Ambrose

Come to me

Dear friends in Christ, today we celebrate the memorial of St Ambrose Bishop and Doctor. He was of a Roman family and became the prefect of Liguria and Emilia, with Milan as its Capital. When the position of the bishop of Milan became vacant, due to the conflict between the Arians and Catholics, the people turned to Ambrose, who was trying to make peace, and by popular acclamation demanded he becomes the Bishop. He was not yet baptized, but within a week was baptized, ordained, and installed bishop. He gave his belongings to the poor and the church, learned theology, and was assiduous in carrying out his duties with charity to all. He was influential in the conversion of St Augustine to Catholicism, through his intelligence and scholarship.


In the first reading of today (Isaiah 40:25-31) God sends a clear message through the prophet to some of the exiles, who may be in doubt about the fulfillment of the promise to bring them back home. God in this passage boasts of his power which is incomparable to that of any creature. “To whom will you compare me, that I should be like him? Lift your eyes high and see: who created these?… The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grows weary, his understanding is unsearchable.” The prophet told them, that the only real hope they have, is in God. To trust in him at all times, because he is the creator who acts with saving power. God is therefore the strength of those who trust in him. He renews their strength when they grow faint or weary so that they can continue to run the race of life. He endows them with wings like that of eagles, to soar above the troubles they face in life. 


In the Gospel (Matthew 11:28-30) Jesus assures his followers that their real rest and security is in him. He offers to everyone, the rest that refreshes, which had been prophesied in the Old Testament. All that is needed is just to come to him. To come to him means, to accept his message and believe his teaching. “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” This message of Jesus resounds very loudly. It speaks to the situation of every modern person. We desire to rest, but it eludes us, as much as we desire it. Too many people are looking for rest but in the wrong places. People go to bars, beaches, and parties; many travels for holidays but still find no rest. In as much as these may offer some bodily rest, the true rest for which the soul thirsts, can only be found in Christ. That peace can only be achieved by total reliance on God, which we find in Christ. If you desire true rest, go to Jesus in a retreat or go to him in the quiet of the Blessed Sacrament, go near him in the quiet of your soul and pour out your heart before him. Take upon you the yoke of Christ and learn from him, that is where you find that rest that only God can bestow.


Let us pray: Lord gives rest to our troubled souls, that we may fill the world with your peace. Amen.


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