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Browsing The Disciple's Apprentice

Stewardship - A Call From Jesus

Stewardship ~ a Call From Jesus

“Do you love me?”  Jesus asks Peter this loaded question in this Sunday’s Gospel.  Three times!  If you heard God ask you this question, how would you respond?  “Well, of course I love you, Lord.  By the way, why do you ask?”  Peter denied even knowing Jesus when a different answer may have cost him his life.  When was the last time you denied knowing Jesus?  When was the last time you were too busy to spend an hour with him on Sunday?  When was the last time you denied his call to good stewardship of time, talent, and treasure?  Jesus asks us every day: “Do you love me?”  He may ask as a homeless person, a refugee, a starving child, a blurb in the church bulletin, a grieving neighbor, a troubled friend…  However the call to stewardship reaches us, it’s always Jesus asking: “Do YOU love me?”



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